I paid, but haven't received my license...Mercury licenses are normally processed within 24 hours: if you haven't received your license within this period, this page contains information on what to do next. Mercury licenses are not issued automatically - the final step of the process is an inspection of the order by a real human being to confirm that the organization name you have supplied is reasonable and that the other details are correct. Once the order has been inspected, a mail message is generated and sent to the person designated as the contact for the license: this message contains a username and password allowing that user to login to our licensing server and retrieve their license. The license itself is NOT mailed out - only instructions on how to retrieve it. If you have not received the message containing the download information, the most usual reason is that it has been blocked or incorrectly detected as spam by an over-diligent spam filter somewhere between us and you. So, your first action should be -
If you cannot find our message in your spam folder, then it is possible that it has been intercepted or lost further upstream of your mailbox, or that an over-zealous content filtering system is rejecting the message because it believes it to be unsolicited commercial mail. The next action you need to take is -
We monitor whether or not paid licenses have been downloaded, and our system automatically sends reminder messages after one and two weeks respectively, containing the same download information as the original message. If you have not downloaded your license within a month of making your purchase, we will assume that there is an irreparable failure of communication between us and will automatically refund the full price you have paid then cancel the license. This does not prejudice your ability to purchase the license again - indeed, we encourage you to do so, after you have removed whatever impediment is preventing us from contacting you by e-mail. If none of this sounds right, or if you believe some other issue has occurred, please contact me directly via e-mail at David.Harris@pmail.gen.nz, providing the date on which the payment was made, the name you would have given as the licensee's organization name, and the e-mail address you supplied to PayPal when making the payment. |